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Services and Support

The Eclipse Foundation is a vendor-neutral, non-profit organisation hosting open-source projects and open specifications. Foundation staff supports the committers and contributors of the Eclipse ThreadX open source project but does not directly work on the ThreadX codebase.

The organisations featured on this page are members of the Eclipse Foundation who offer support plans and other services related to ThreadX. They are featured in alphabetical order. Inclusion on this page does not represent an endorsement by the Eclipse Foundation AISBL and its affiliates of the products or services offered.

Cypherbridge logo

Cypherbridge SDKPac for Eclipse ThreadX is fully integrated with the ThreadX family, offering a wide selection of SDKs that value-add and expand the security and safety features of the Eclipse ThreadX platform. From IoT to OT, SDKPac is tailored and project ready for ThreadX powered platforms.

With an extensive history of delivering solutions on the ThreadX platform, Cypherbridge Systems works across a broad range of industry sectors including medical device, industrial control, energy, consumer product, transporation, and more.

From greenfield designs, to product refresh and retrofit, SDKPac for ThreadX, together with Cypherbridge design services and long-term technical support, is a total solution for the software and product lifecycle, with continuity across planning, R&D, production and support.

See for more details.

RTOSX logo

Leverage Decades of Eclipse ThreadX Expertise
The RTOSX team comprises the original ThreadX RTOS authors and many of the associated middleware components, such as FILEX, GUIX, NETX DUO, and USBX. Combining personnel from Microsoft's pre- and post-acquisition of Express Logic in 2019, RTOSX is uniquely positioned to provide ThreadX developers with expert technical support, allowing your development team to focus solely on your product.

Fully Ticketed Professional Support
RTOSX's fully ticketed professional support for ThreadX comes with a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that typically ensures a same-day response and swift issue resolution. This comprehensive service includes monitoring the ThreadX open-source community and proactively alerting developers to significant issues, including Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE). By unblocking technical and security issues and relieving the burden of continuous monitoring, RTOSX's services enable development teams to focus on their core tasks.

Extended Long-Term Support (ELS)
RTOSX offers extended long-term support (ELS) for specific ThreadX (and middleware) versions, which extends for up to 10 years as part of their support packages. This service allows teams to leverage the benefits of open source while confidently meeting their device lifecycle and maintenance requirements, ensuring the longevity and stability of their products.

Access To ThreadX Resource Center
Access to our Resource Center is included in all RTOSX support packages. We created this new content to help past, present, and new ThreadX developers. The Resource Center contains a knowledge base, source code repositories guide, quick reference card, new ThreadX User Guide, and Training Materials.

Our Team is Dedicated to Helping You!
Our team is dedicated to supporting any issues you have regarding ThreadX, FILEX, GUIX, NETX, and USBX and associated middleware. Please contact us today to learn more!

Witekio Holding logo

Witekio is a leading provider of end-to-end embedded and IoT software services for OEMs, offering expertise from custom Board Support Packages (BSPs) and Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) to Connectivity and IoT Security.

As an Avnet company, Witekio offers software expertise with a hardware mindset, providing seamless solutions that optimize the capabilities of embedded systems.

We strongly support the open-source community to ensure that embedded technology and open-source software thrive. From this foundation, our team of 160+ engineers extend support to our customers to provide security, maintenance, customization, and connectivity services on top of the open-source base.

Please visit to learn more.

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